Vocational Training
Community Employment Program
Program is designed to:
- help people overcome barriers to employment
- provide quality on-the-job work training with employment supports
- offer excellent career development and job placement services
Provides individuals an opportunity to achieve economic independence and contribute productively to their community by obtaining and retaining employment. Individuals coming to Lakestate Industries for services must either have the ability to pay for their own services or have the financial support of a fee-paying agency. An individual's schedule is based upon their preferences, needs and abilities.
Job Development/Career Exploration
Looks at the individual's strengths, skills and abilities, and needs, then matches these with an employment opportunity which most closely fits an individuals desired employment outcome.
Job Placement
Provides Individuals an opportunity to achieve economic independence and contribute productively to their community by obtaining and retaining employment.
Employment Supports
Is available on site to those employees who are starting a new job, experiencing difficulties on the job, or have had a recent change in their job. Both the employer and employee benefit from employment supports. The employer gains a valuable, dependable employee and realizes a savings in training costs. The employee receives the support necessary to ensure the success in their new work environment.
Referral Process
Lakestate Industries receives referrals from Community Mental Health, Michigan Rehabilitation Services , Delta-Schoolcraft ISD, Delta County School Systems, Michigan Works!, Michigan Commission for the Blind, insurance companies, and by private parties, agencies or programs which aid persons who are in need of evaluation, work training, work experience or job placement.
For more information call Cheryl Ohman, (906) 786-9212 in Escanaba or Karen Larsen (906) 273-2131 in Marquette.
Student Services Program
Program is designed to:
- Provide students an introduction to work opportunities that are available in their community.
- Helps students reach their short- and long-term employment goals.
Work Evaluation
A process which assists teachers and students in assessing the student's employment strengths and identifies areas needing improvements.
Career Exploration
Affords the student an opportunity to explore their various careers via job shadowing community work experiences.
Referral Process
Lakestate Industries receives referrals from the Delta Schoolcraft School Districts; Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Commission For the Blind, Delta County Schools, and private parties, agencies, or programs which aid students who are in need of work evaluation, work training, work experience or job placement.
For more information email or call Marilyn Noble, Employment Specialist (906) 786-9212 in Escanaba or Karen Larsen (906) 273-2131 in Marquette.
All services are provided directly by the staff at Lakestate Industries. There are no provisions for contractual services, however, if a referral to another source or agency is indicated, support staff can assist in making the necessary connections.